Most moms have been there. You’re at the park, at school, or on a playdate with your kids when you state an opinion about parenting. Another mom disagrees with you. And, boom! Mom War III breaks out. This kind of behavior is not healthy or beneficial for any parties involved. Most moms are doing their best to raise a happy, healthy family, but instead of supporting each other, we find ourselves in a “Mom vs. Mom” situation.

A “mommy war” is when a mom or moms think that their way of parenting is superior to another mom’s way of nurturing her children. Instead of quietly disagreeing, moms debate with one another on why their way is “best.” Often, mothers are left hurt, mad, and concentrating their precious energy on arguments, while the time would be better spent on their children or some other positive avenue.

This spot by the infant formula brand Similac is going viral among social media-savvy Moms — and it’s easy to see why. It homes in on the kind of competitive parenting that sees mothers (and fathers) judging each other, not only over breastfeeding versus formula but also attachment-sling versus stroller, natural birth versus C-section, and more.

There’s something going down on the playground. Don’t they know that everyone has their own way of parenting? But when it comes down to it, we’re all on the same side. Help us put an end to the judgment by sharing this video with every parent you know. It’s time to promote unity and support among parents, no matter their choices and approaches to parenting.