Miraculous Survival: 4-Month-Old Baby Emerges Unharmed After 22 Hours Under Rubble in Nepal

A heartwarming and miraculous story has emerged from the aftermath of Nepal’s devastating earthquake, where a 4-month-old infant defied the odds, surviving under debris for an astonishing 22 hours following a powerful 7.9-magnitude earthquake that rocked areas nearly 80 kilometers away from the capital, Kathmandu.

Local authorities in Kathmandu today reported that the child’s condition was stable, despite the fact that his body was covered in grime and filth when he was brought to the surface. Fortunately, the baby was not injured.

The remarkable account began on April 28 when police and the army joined forces to search for victims in and around Kathmandu. The professional search teams worked tirelessly to rescue survivors from the wreckage. Among these survivors is a tiny baby, born amidst the chaos of the earthquake.

On April 29, according to Nepal’s authorities, the entire earthquake-ravaged area near the epicenter will be restored and rebuilt.

Thousands of Kathmandu residents braved the dangers of impending aftershocks, as the government prompted evacuations of food and medicines. The devastation resulted in the loss of more than 5,000 lives, with survivors facing uncertain futures.

The survivors are now grappling with the task of rebuilding their homes and lives. The government has appealed for international assistance to aid in the recovery efforts. In addition, school trips were canceled due to overcrowding.

Nepal’s inspirational story arises from the 7.9-magnitude earthquake that struck on April 25, 2015, leaving more than 5,800 people dead, 13,000 injured, and approximately 600,000 homes obliterated. However, the highlight of the event was the miraculous survival of an infant buried under rubble for 22 hours. His emergence has filled millions of people with hope, rekindling the optimism of the entire nation.

The survivor, named Sopeis, is now an 18-month-old child who is active and energetic. Sopeis’ preferences include a toy vehicle, a ball, and a set of stairs. Her mother, 36-year-old Rasmiya Awal, recounts the old story while watching her daughter play with her 11-year-old sister, Sopeia.

“I try not to think about last year’s earthquake, but the memories are very vivid. When my children were born and grew up, it is a terrific event. Good success to my family, and I am more grateful to God for the miracle of Sopeis’ survival and robust development,” shared Rasmiya, the mother. Despite the current difficulties, the family remains optimistic about the future.

Sopeis is growing up fast, attending school, and achieving milestones. Despite the earthquake’s catastrophic impact, the Awal family is hopeful and resilient, demonstrating the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

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