A Beacon of Hope: Boy Born Without Limbs in Idlib Finds Support

Staying with his family in a tent belonging to his relatives in the camps where  the forcibly displaced civilians took shelter in Idlib, Mohammed struggles to survive in the face of impossibilities.

In the midst of the challenging circumstances faced by families in the refugee camps of Idlib, where many sought shelter from the devastating attacks by the Assad regime in Syria, one family holds a beacon of hope in their 14-month-old son, Muhammed. Muhammed was born without limbs, a condition that has been a source of immense concern for his parents.

Baby Muhammed, who cannot play with his peers because he is born with no legs and arms, spends most of the day with his cat.

The Misaytif family, who live in a relative’s tent within the camp, has been enduring the hardships of displacement and insecurity. Halit Misaytif, Muhammed’s father, spoke about the challenges they face daily in caring for their son. He said, “Muhammed needs constant care and attention. He has to be held all the time. Living here in the camp, we cannot protect him from the extremes of weather, be it the scorching heat of summer or the biting cold of winter.”

Halit Mısaytıf, the father of little Muhammed, said in a statement that his son was born without arms and legs.

The family’s struggles are compounded by the economic difficulties they face. Halit Misaytif expressed his frustration, saying, “I cannot find work. It’s challenging for me to afford Muhammed’s milk. The prices of medicines have skyrocketed compared to the past. I hope Muhammed can continue his life like any other child.”

Mısaytıf, "Muhammed’in sürekli ilgi ve bakıma ihtiyacı var. Sürekli kucakta olması gerekiyor. Burada kampta yaşıyorum. Yazın sıcaktan ve soğuktan koruyamıyoruz." ifadesini kullandı.

He also emphasized that because Muhammed lacks hands and feet, he cannot meet his daily needs without support. “We struggle to provide him with milk, medication, and diapers. Hopefully, in the future, he can go abroad, get prosthetics, and live like other children. All I wish is to provide Muhammed with a happy life,” he said.

"Çocuğumun sütünü bulmakta zorlanıyorum"

Muhammed’s story highlights the resilience and strength that can be found even in the face of extraordinary challenges. The family’s hope is that, with assistance and support, Muhammed can have a brighter future and live his life like any other child.


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