A Rare Diagnosis: The Inspiring Journey of Armando and Pamela’s Son

In October 2018, Baby Nathan was born prematurely, weighing just two pounds. But even before his birth, doctors noticed something unusual – he was smaller than expected. During Pamela’s second trimester, a specialist confirmed that Nathan was not growing normally, leading to concerns about possible health issues like dwarfism.

Despite not being premature, Nathan’s small size puzzled the medical team, and he spent two months in the NICU under close observation. Numerous tests yielded no answers. However, after gaining three pounds, he was finally discharged. Unfortunately, their joy was short-lived when Nathan began experiencing seizures and had to be urgently taken to Valley Children’s Hospital.

At the hospital, the lack of a diagnosis left Armando and Pamela feeling hopeless. Doubts plagued them as parents, wondering if they had done something wrong. The uncertainty was overwhelming, and anxiety weighed heavily on their hearts.

Amidst this darkness, a ray of hope emerged when a chief geneticist mentioned Project Baby Bear, a state-funded program. Through advanced Whole Genome Sequencing, Nathan was diagnosed with Cutis Laxa Type 3, a rare condition caused by a de novo mutation called ALDH18A1. Unfortunately, there were no known cures or treatments for this condition.

Despite the challenges ahead, Armando and Pamela embraced a positive outlook and focused on raising awareness about their son’s rare diagnosis. They sought connection and support with others facing similar circumstances, but so far, they’ve only encountered three other individuals worldwide with the same diagnosis.

As Nathan approaches his second birthday, his parents have learned the value of acceptance and perseverance. Inspired by their son’s resilience, they choose to cherish the present and maintain hope for the future.

“Auspicious” is the word they hold dear in their family, symbolizing success and favorability. They firmly believe that they are all auspicious and choose to focus on the journey rather than the destination. As long as Nathan remains determined, they will stand by his side and face any challenges that come their way.

Their story serves as an inspiration, reminding others that they are not alone in their struggles. Armando and Pamela continue to share their experiences, raising awareness, and offering hope to those facing similar challenges. Nathan’s journey of courage and resilience is a guiding light for them, as they bravely embrace whatever the future holds, fueled by love and hope every step of the way.

thᴇ world with this diagnosis.

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