A Charming Trio, Each Unique in Their Own Way, Distinguishable Only by Their Mother

Englishwoman Becky-Jo was already a mother to a daughter named Indiana, so when she realized in the morning that she was pregnant again, it came as quite a surprise. Little did she know what her own body had in store for her. The moment came when she found out she was expecting not just one, but three babies. “It was one of the most shocking moments of my life. There had been no history of triplets in my family, so this news was completely unexpected,” she recounted. Eventually, her trio of babies entered the world. “At birth, Rocco weighed 1.5 kg, Roma 1.53 kg, and Rohan 1.6 kg,” explained Becky-Jo.

After what felt like an eternity, Becky-Jo finally laid her eyes on the faces of her three children. And then, she noticed something rather remarkable. The three boys looked strikingly similar – identical, in fact. The likelihood of having identical triplets is estimated to be as rare as 1 in 60,000 to 1 in 200,000,000. The Becky-Jo triplets stand as some of the smallest ever born in Britain. The realization that she had given birth to identical triplets was a lot for Becky-Jo to take in. “I was genuinely surprised because I was anticipating some differences among them,” shared Becky-Jo. “But then again, I’m the only one who can tell them apart, so that explains a lot.”

Despite their complete similarity in appearance, Becky-Jo can effortlessly distinguish each boy from the other. “Rohan is the loudest, always babbling away. Rocco tends to be quiet, though he has his loud moments, and Roman is usually the calmest.” They constantly chase after the same toy, competing to be the first to capture it. Caring for three little ones is no small feat, especially since Becky-Jo already has a daughter. Fortunately, her 17-year-old sister, Lauren, comes to her aid almost every day, providing some much-needed help.

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