A Heartwarming Act of Compassion: Teacher Holds Student’s Baby During Class

In a heartwarming display of empathy and kindness, Dr. Nathan Alexander, a mathematics professor at Morehouse College, has won the Teacher of the Year award for his selfless act of holding a student’s baby during a class when the father couldn’t find childcare.

Wayne Hayer, a 26-year-old studying kinesiology at historically Black Morehouse College, was juggling multiple responsibilities, including working two jobs. On the day he had Dr. Alexander’s class, his wife needed to collect their baby girl Aaliyah’s birth certificate. However, Wayne was concerned about the challenges of using public transportation with their 5-month-old daughter, Aaliyah. Unable to find suitable childcare, he decided to approach Dr. Alexander with his predicament.

Dr. Alexander’s response was both compassionate and remarkable. He told Wayne, “Bring your kid to class if need be.” Wayne had an important test to take that day, so he did just that. Walking into his algebra class with his daughter, Wayne explained to Dr. Alexander that he couldn’t find a babysitter. What happened next touched the hearts of many.

“My professor NATHAN ALEXANDER said, ‘I’ll hold her so you can take good notes!'” a student shared on Twitter.

Another student, Nick Vaughn, expressed on Facebook, “It was this encounter that truly showed me the power and impact HBCUs have for the Black community. For this professor to understand that life happens and sometimes there are just no ways around it.”

Wayne Hayer remembers his mother telling him stories of bringing him to her community college classes when he was a baby, but he was still apprehensive about how he would be received, especially at an all-male college. However, Dr. Alexander welcomed him and his daughter with open arms.

The overwhelming support from classmates and the broader community deeply moved Wayne and his wife, Frida Amelia Hayer. Frida took to Facebook to express her appreciation, saying, “Seeing the outpouring of support from friends, family, and strangers for Aaliyah and Wayne is a sight to behold. I can feel the genuine love and enthusiasm. We never asked for attention; all that I’ve personally asked for is authenticity in your love and support. We are new parents. Wayne works two jobs and is a full-time student. He’s rarely at home because he’s out there providing for us.”

“With us being thousands of miles away from family and friends, I’m usually left with the baby to myself. Anyone who is a parent understands how overwhelming it can get. Wayne wanted to give me a break. Plus, he’d get to spend more time with Aaliyah in the process. It’s a win-win. Thank you for encouraging us to continue to push forward. Thank you to Black educators like Dr. Alexander. This came at the right time.”

Dr. Nathan Alexander’s act of kindness serves as a shining example of the impact that educators can have on their students’ lives beyond the classroom. His understanding and support have not only made a difference in Wayne Hayer’s life but also resonated with countless others, highlighting the power of compassion and empathy in education.


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