Babies Born with Remarkable Hair: A Head of Hair at Six Months Old

Six-month-old infant flaunts an impressive eight-inch mane of hair, astounded onlookers

Babies have an enchanting way of surprising us with their unique traits, and one remarkable baby has captured the hearts of many with an extraordinary feature—her luscious, eight-inch mane of hair. Meet Katherine Mary Matthews, a six-month-old baby who has stunned onlookers with her incredible hair growth.

Born with a full head of hair, Katherine’s locks have continued to flourish, reaching an impressive eight inches in length. Her mother, Natalie Moore, aged 33, can’t help but smile at the reactions they receive from amazed passersby on the street.


Maintaining this exceptional hair comes with its own challenges. Natalie shares that she has to regularly brush and blow-dry Katherine’s long locks to maintain their volume and shape. It’s quite a task for a little one who hasn’t even started standing on her own.

Typically, babies lose their hair during the first six months of life, only for it to regrow later. However, Katherine seems to defy this norm as her hair keeps growing. Natalie, a full-time mother of three, reflects, “When she was born, we couldn’t believe how much hair she had, and it hasn’t slowed down since.”


Natalie humorously adds, “She can’t even stand up yet, so I have to brush her on her stomach. We’ve trimmed the fringe, must cleanse it daily, and it seems to be growing longer and longer now that we have to use a hairdryer.”

Natalie and Katherine’s outings are marked by strangers’ reactions, exclaiming their awe at seeing a baby with such a head of hair. The staff at the doctor’s office even affectionately refer to Katherine as “the baby with all the hair.”


Despite the challenges posed by warm weather, Natalie is determined to keep her daughter’s tresses fresh and well-maintained. Katherine occasionally experiences the warmth of a blow dryer, and the process of rinsing and drying her hair takes extra time. A few months ago, Natalie had to trim her baby’s bangs, but they are already growing back.

Katherine’s hair has now extended past her neck and shoulders, but Natalie is in no hurry to cut it. She’s curious to see just how long they can let it grow. Natalie describes Katherine as a well-behaved baby, and their daily hair-combing ritual has become a special bonding experience.


When Katherine was born with a full crop of jet black hair, Natalie and her fiancé, Anthony Matthews, 31, were taken aback. It seems that the luscious locks might run in the family, as many of Natalie’s relatives also boast long hair. Natalie, who hails from Wordsley, West Midlands, shares, “When she was born with a complete crop of hair, many predicted that it would fall out; however, it has continued to grow.”

Young Katherine with her mother Natalie and her grandmother Jayne who holds a photo of herself as a baby with lots of hair

Katherine’s hair isn’t the only striking feature she inherited. Natalie is proud that her daughter also has striking blue irises, a trait she shares with her mother and grandmother. While the exact origins of these traits remain a mystery, one thing is for sure: they are a typical British family with a unique addition.

Katherine when she was born

Katherine Mary Matthews has become a little sensation with her remarkable hair, charming people everywhere she goes. Her story reminds us that babies can surprise us with their uniqueness and bring joy even through their extraordinary features.



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