Caught the moment when a pregnant woman drove to the hospital to give birth but it was too late

The birth took place in a car, beside an apple orchard, en route to the hospital during a golden morning hour with melting dew on the grass. The father and older sibling were present, and all were overjoyed and calm upon the quick and safe arrival.

Corinne began feeling the first pains around 3 AM and took a shower at 6 AM. “I thought I had more time,” she said in an interview with the Daily Mail Australia. After a phone call with a doula, she gathered her things, called her friend and birthing photographer Breanna, woke up her son, and they set off for the hospital.

However, they didn’t make it to the maternity ward. During the half-hour journey, Corinne went into labor and gave birth right in the front seat of the car. “Suddenly I felt a headache; I was shocked and surprised at the same time. There was suddenly no time for anything. My husband immediately stopped, ran out of the car, opened the door for me to give me more room, and then Matilda was born. I didn’t have time to move to the back seat, and I didn’t even realize at that moment that I was giving birth in the car.”

Photographer Breanna Gravener recorded the entire event. “It was so fast that I missed the first picture of Matilda by a second before I went around the car,” she recalls. “It was all natural; nobody was stressed, and we were all happy.”

Corinne’s husband called the maternity hospital, and the whole team moved there as quickly as possible so that the doctors could treat both mother and daughter. “It was only after I saw the photos that I realized how it all happened and that I could calmly recall it. The pictures are beautiful,” Corinne praises herself.

Breanna captured such an amazing experience in a beautiful way! The angles she chose to capture this story are thoughtful and creative; the colors are beautiful, and the story is amazing.

The photos of Corinne’s “car birth” were then published by Breanna, with Corinne’s permission, on, where the whole story generated a great wave of reactions and congratulations. Many moms who had experienced a similarly quick birth came forward and agreed that they were all equally surprised at how intuitively they behaved, how calm they were, and how everything actually went incredibly smoothly. “I would never have believed that childbirth could happen so quickly if it hadn’t happened to me,” adds Corinne.

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