Clever Grandfather’s Heartwarming Trick to Soothe Baby

Welcoming a tiny human being into the world is a journey like no other. Those 9 months of being a baby’s all-inclusive luxury resort, complete with a private amniotic fluid pool and five-star meals, certainly don’t compare to the adventure that follows. Each day brings something new, an evolving experience that shapes the parent-child relationship. Amidst the joys and challenges, one constant remains: the need to eat. While many mothers opt for breastfeeding, creating a strong bond, it can become a challenge when mom needs to be away for more than 15 minutes.

In the midst of this dilemma, a brilliant grandfather discovered a unique workaround that magically transformed bottle-feeding into a seamless process. Let’s dive into the heartwarming story!

A viral TikTok video shared by Wendy Rangel showcased her father’s ingenious solution. He inserted a baby bottle through a hole in his T-shirt, positioning it strategically so that the nipple protruded naturally. Carefully securing the bottle, he made sure it was stable and wouldn’t slip, giving it a few taps to ensure it stayed in place.

He then leaned down to see if the milk would flow smoothly, while Wendy’s laughter echoed in the background. The caption of the video read: “My grandson won’t take the bottle so my dad tried something.”

This ingenious man found a clever way to mimic breastfeeding by positioning a baby bottle inside his shirt.

The real test was about to unfold—would the baby take the bottle? The man cradled the baby in his arms, carefully positioning him for feeding, all while attempting not to spill anything on the floor.

Initially, the baby seemed a bit perplexed, as if asking, “What’s happening?” But as soon as he spotted the familiar nipple, he latched instinctively. The baby’s actions elicited Wendy’s infectious laughter as her proud father gently rocked the baby while he peacefully drank from the bottle.

The man’s pride in his innovation is evident. Yet, the ultimate question remains: Will the baby fall for this trick?

The video concludes with a close-up of the hole in the man’s shirt, revealing his own nipple, with a wet patch indicating what was left of the milk. He rubs around it and sighs, as if acknowledging the effort he put into the endeavor.

Originally posted in late 2020, the video has since garnered an impressive 8.8 million views and nearly 2 million likes. It was dedicated “to all the dads out there who struggle with their little ones not taking the bottle.”

He carefully positions the baby and the bottle, ensuring a successful feeding without any spills.

Now, diving into the reasons why babies might refuse the bottle led to quite a rabbit hole of findings. Let’s explore! While this might not pique everyone’s interest, those curious about the subject, read on.

Typical signs of a baby’s aversion to the bottle, as described by Mamamade, include skipping meals without any signs of distress, appearing hungry but refusing to eat, becoming tense, crying, or screaming at mealtime.

They might also take in very small amounts of milk before protesting, avert their gaze, or physically turn away from the bottle. Such continuous behavior is not only distressing for the baby but also for the parents.

The nipple on the bottle imitates the mother’s, and the milk often comes from the mother herself, so the flavor should be similar. But why the refusal?

From medical issues to the milk’s temperature, there are numerous reasons why babies might passionately refuse the bottle.

Healthline detailed seven top reasons for babies to flat-out reject the bottle. These include wanting to continue breastfeeding, not feeling hungry enough, feeling too sick to feed, being held in an uncomfortable position, disliking the milk’s temperature, flavor, or texture, or the bottle itself. Additionally, babies might have had a bad experience with bottle-feeding before, associating it with reflux, gagging, vomiting, or inferior milk compared to what they’re accustomed to.

The key takeaway? Don’t panic. Babies cry and exhibit puzzling behaviors because they’re not familiar with the world yet. It’s your responsibility as a parent to decipher their signals and find the best solution for both of you, especially for the baby. They won’t be making omelets anytime soon. So, what can you do to make the baby love the bottle?

Here are some suggestions from WebMD, although they don’t include the “fake the boob” trick the grandfather pulled. First, check the bottle and the milk itself. The milk’s temperature should be around 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit. Refrain from reheating milk in the microwave to ensure consistent temperature.

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