Cristiano Ronaldo’s oldest son models his famous father’s Denim Junior line and looks like a real pro.

Cristiano Junior also went topless with his old man to promote the brand named after the real Madrid and Portuguese star’s initials and shirt number that kicked off in 2006CrISTIANO ronaldo’s eldest looks a chip off the old block as he models his superstar dad’s Denim Junior collection.
Cristiano Junior, seven, posed in a blue camo shirt and jeans beside his father, 32, in the Cr7 clothing shoot.

Cristiano ronaldo and Cristiano Junior pose in denim together to promote the new line

They also went topless to promote the brand, named after the real Madrid and Portugal ace’s initials and shirt number.Earlier ron shared a snap celebrating the 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 of his daughter Alana Martina.

The father-son duo strike a pose in matching shirts

Cristiano Junior could follow in his dad’s modelling footsteps

The seven-year-old is big brother to three siblings

Cristiano Junior proves he’s not camera shy

The eldest son is brother to Eva, Mateo and Alana Martina

Cristiano and his son know how to strike a pose

There has been no mention of who Cristiano Junior’s mum is

Cristiano Junior was born via surrogate mother in 2010

The pair look cool in blue

Cristiano Junior takes after his father with his football love

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