Racing for Diapers: The Siberian ‘Crawlers’ Competition

In the icy heart of Siberia, an unusual race has been capturing hearts and giggles alike – the ‘Crawlers’ Competition.’ It’s an event that showcases the determination and charm of the littlest participants and is sure to put a smile on your face.

Babies under the age of nine months are the stars of this unique race, tasked with covering a seven-meter distance in just two minutes while navigating a diaper rush course. It’s a race where speed takes a back seat to cuteness.

Novosibirsk Marathon

Novosibirsk Marathon

To ensure fairness, organizers are meticulous about verifying the ages of the competitors, checking birth certificates to make sure none exceed the allowed age limit. But if you look at the faces in the crowd, it’s clear that the parents, more than the babies, are taking this competition incredibly seriously.

While it may seem like child’s play, the ‘Crawlers’ Competition’ might hold the key to future Russian Olympic successes, with a prize for every little crawler.

The rules are simple: parents can’t touch their infant athletes, but they can use all the tricks in the parenting book to encourage their little ones – from smiles and chats to waving toys and making funny faces.

Nikita Zhulin, Novosibirsk Marathon

Sometimes, the tactics work wonders, while at other times, the tiny competitors, each adorned with an official bib, veer off course or even crawl backward. But throughout, the event maintains a sense of good spirit and camaraderie.

This adorable competition is part of the annual Siberian Running Festival, also known as the Novosibirsk Marathon. Its overarching goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle, and it’s an event where anyone and everyone can participate, from professional athletes to those aged 70 and beyond, and, of course, the crawlers.

Novosibirsk marathon

The ‘Diaper Marathon’ takes place in a warm tent, shielding the participants from Siberia’s unpredictable weather in September. Soft mats on the floor provide a comfortable and safe crawling track.

The 2011 champion, Nikita Zhulin, set the bar high, crawling his way to victory at just nine months old. His mother, Tatiana Zhulina, fondly recalls their first experience: “We heard about this marathon, where even the smallest ones can take part! Of course, we were in!”

The pre-marathon tension was palpable. Babies chattered away, parents nervously readied themselves, and photographers swirled around with cameras. But as the race began, it was all smiles and cheers.

Sergei, an onlooker, was captivated by the event: “I didn’t really expect anything interesting – but then I was completely taken by it. It was impossible not to smile, watching so many babies crawling at the same time.”

Marathon director Yevgeniy Gusev emphasized the event’s inclusivity: “We wanted to organize a true running festival, so people of any age – literally any, even if they are not big enough to walk – can join us. This is how the idea of babies crawling their distance was brought in. We want them to love running from a very early age.”

And as Gusev humorously noted, “To prepare our next Olympic champions, you’ve got to start when they are still in their nappies.” The best part? No doping tests required!

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