Rare 100-Year-Old Natural Mummy Unearthed in Colombia: A Fascinating Archaeological Discovery

A rare and exceptional discovery of a 100-year-old natural mummy has been made in San Bernardo, Colombia. The discovery is likely to provide valuable insights into the practices and customs of the ancient inhabitants of the region. Historians, archaeologists, and the scientific community at large are expected to show great interest in this find.

The natural mummies found in tombs in the high mountains of Colombia remain a mystery to scientists. Although the mummification process involves intentionally drying and marinating the body with chemicals, the bodies found in San Bernardo were accidentally embalmed.

Photographs show the natural mummies in remarkably good condition, and it is estimated that there are around 10 more bodies in the mausoleum located in the Andes, approximately 40 miles southwest of the Colombian capital, Bogota.

While scientists have yet to find an accurate explanation for the preservation of these mummies, some experts believe that the favorable climate and altitude of the region may have played a significant role in preserving them. Others, however, think that the diet of the ancient indigenous people who lived in the region was responsible for the preservation of the mummies.

According to locals, the ancient indigenous people’s diet was high in Guatemala, a green fruit with thorns on its rind, and rich in vitamin C. Another vegetable believed to have played a role in preserving the bodies is Balu, which is a bean-sized bean of a large size. However, this theory fails to explain the excellent condition of the mummies’ clothing.

Personalized plaques above each body have helped identify most of the mummies, including Margarita, a dedicated housewife who used to make cornbread and coffee for everyone. The mummies’ faces show different expressions, with some appearing calm, while others look more grim. Among the mummies are children, some of whom are still wearing clothes and shoes.

After careful cleaning, the mummies have been placed in glass cabinets and put on display in a private section in a small Colombian town. It is worth noting that the natural process of mummification has also been discovered in Guanajuato, Mexico.

The area is known to have underground gas and special chemical composition in the soil, which preserves bodies in good condition. The mummies in Guanajuato date back to the first half of the 19th century, while those in San Bernardo are around 100 years old.

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